In order to produce fully proportionate, realistic & accurate 3D product & shape replicas we have to have a reference to work from. In short – the better more detailed and specific the reference the better the finished Inflatable.

Naturally a sample or samples of the product will be best in combination with high resolution Artwork Files in PDF, CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator (Vector Based Files) and also professional pictures of the product in all directions/angles and where available or appropriate the manufacturing CAD plans for the products or product packaging can be helpful.

However what we need to work from can depend too on the product or shape being replicated, the quantity being ordered, your available lead-time and to a lesser degree budget i.e. shipping large, heavy full size objects to/from the factory (in India).

For example if you want to recreate a giant replica of say a motorbike this may be impractical to ship an actual unit out to/from the factory so as we are a global leader in this type of bespoke production we have developed a very talented and experienced team of designers, engineers and modellers who can achieve perfect results on all but the most demanding or exceptional reproductions where there is no alternative but to ship a sample.



On many large scale products we work from a small replica (Toy) of the same model.

NB On many smaller replica inflatables it is not always possible to exactly reproduce every element of detail because of the small size and the limitations of the manufacturing or finishing process or that by doing so the finished look is not as good as desired. In this instance we would normally replicated the 3D effect for this element in print i.e. the very fine grip lines/groves in the cap of a 330ml or 50cl soft drink bottle.

NB there may be additional charges or lead-time on this depending on what is supplied/required, details of this can be provided at that stage.

Please note that more the input you provide us regarding any order the better the output we can get.